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Half naked. Big, new headphones on my ears. U2 loud in my ear. I sing along. There is ice cream in the fridge that is waiting to be eaten by me. I hear it scream now. It�s almost midnight, but I don�t have to worry about the time or getting to bed in time.

This is freedom.

My freedom was given me a few hours ago. Now I got 21 days of freedom. It feels like a whole little eternity. I don�t see the end of this and that feels so great. I�m free as a bird. I can fly where ever I want and when ever I want. I can fly in the evening and sleep during the days.

There is nothing I have to do. There are no phone calls to answers. There are no shitty problems that need to be solved. There are no stupid people that I have to explain how things work. There are no problems at all right now.

It�s all easy as pie.
It�s sweet as strawberries.
It�s as great as freshly baked bread with butter and brown cheese.

�� you got stuck in a moment and you can�t get out of it.�

Bono�s voice sings so smooth into my ears. I might be stuck in a moment, but the good thing is that I don�t want to get out of it. This moment could last forever. Or should I said should?

I look forward to lazy days, staring at the sun. Lying down in the grass, looking at the clouds trying to find a funny one. Trying to find a cloud that might look like something. Like the cloud I found here the other day that looked like a flying bird.

I think raindrops will catch my eyes while lying out in the grass. The angels have cried from time to time the last week. Pretty heavily some times. I�m sure they cry over the terrorism in this world; the London attack and the Sharm el-sheik (Egypt) attack.

The whole terrorism thingy� it doesn�t affect me in such a deep way. Don�t get me wrong, I does affect me. But not in the way that I go around and worry all the time. I don�t cry. Even though this thing has happened, I go around like nothing has happened in my little world. I carry on, worrying about my own little problems. I cry over my own things and I smile when I�m happy.

It�s too far away. And it�s too much to gasp. It�s like trying to get a Quarter Ponder down in one big bite. If you do, you�ll explode. So I carry on. Right now, I�m smiling and greeting the good life welcome.

Right now I�m greeting the night welcome with an ice cream and some good U2 music.


PS. Only three days left until Circus U2 enters Oslo and Valle Hovin. The people who build their scene are already at place. They started to build the scene yesterday. Woohoo. I�ll bring my camera tomorrow and maybe I can get some shots of it. We�ll see how it turns out.