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I'm not in the mood for writing here, still I'm here. Why am my mood so... bleh? I want to be happy and energic. I'm not.

We didn't win the last minor-court case. It sucks. I was sure we were going to win. My bosses too. Now Bente Iren had decided that she's going to be with me the next time. Yay! Eh... NOT! I hate it. She talked to a lawyer and some other people. They told me that the cases maybe wasn't presented well enough. It might be true, even though I think I did my best last time. We're going through the next case together tomorrow.

I don't think they're satisfied with the job I've done. It cost us money to loose cases.

I shouldn't be so moody. I can't be perfect all the time. I still got plenty of stuff to learn. I should take this as an opportunety to improve, to get better. Not sit around and pout. That doesn't help.

This prove, yet another time, that I'm bad with handling criticism. *sigh*

In addition to this, I've had a really boring week so far. Nothing has happened. Abso-fucking-lutley nothing. Can't I do better than sit in my sofa watching TV? Washing clothes or tidy in my closet would me more exiting... Thank god for the textmessage I got from Gro today. She invited me over for girls evening on friday. I accepted right away. I told her I would love to come. And I think I might meet Bj�rg and Tom on saturday. They're coming to Oslo to see Disney On Ice at Oslo Spektrum. It starts around 7 PM I think. I'm going to meet them (hopefully, if everything works out) before they show and before they're going to eat at an Asian (Indian) restaurant. She asked if I would join them, but I thanked no. First, I'm not into Indian food. I hate curry! Second, I think they deserve a visit to the restaurant all by them self. Since they got Noah, they don't have that much time just the two of them. They deserve some time just the two of them.

Dad is going to Sandefjord on saturday, so mum is coming to Oslo for some shopping. She wants to meet me. We'll see how it works out. I haven't planed when to meet Bj�rg and Tom yet, so I need to do that first. Then we'll see. I hope that dad can come and hang up the picture I bought last saturday. I want it up on my wall asap.

I do think I had something else I wanted to say, but I've completely forgot! *sigh* I think I need to go to bed now. I'm feeling kind of tired. I haven't eaten any supper yet, but I don't think I will either. My new years resolutions is falling apart.
