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I�ve tried to come up with a nice, poetic way to say it. I�ve tried to bend the words. There is no use in doing it. It won�t change the fact.

My apartment looks like shit.

There is clothes hanging every where. I can�t see my table in the livingroom because of all the stuff I got there; the Scrabble play, old newspapers, boxes etc. My bath is dirty and my kitchen is that as well.

Where have I been the last week or so? My mind and thoughts must have been somewhere else. It�s not been focused on my apartment. What if someone come uninvited, as a surprise? There is no way I could�ve invited anyone in when it�s like this. Not that I would expect anyone to come�

I�m not sure what�s going on inside my head these days. Lisbeth contacted me and asked if I had plans this weekend. She was going to oslo this weekend to a party on Saturday. She needed a place to sleep. She said she could come on Friday so we could have some time together.

Suddenly I didn�t feel like spending the weekend with her, so I lied and said I maybe was going home or visit Bj�rg in Elverum. I don�t know why, but I did.

Yesterday Lisbeth contacted me again telling me she was a bit sick and could not come to Oslo. First I was relieved, but when I got home I did get disappointed. It would�ve been nice to see her. I felt bad about Lisbeth not coming.

Do you understand any of these thoughts? If you do, please tell me, because I do not understand shit!

Bj�rg had planned to come visit me the 30th, but now she can�t come. She�s kind of broke right now and have to wait until she get her full paycheck next month, sometime around my birthday. I said I could come to her instead, but then I�d have to sleep on the couch in the livingroom, since Tom�s brother is still living there and Noah sleeps in his own room now.

Sleeping in the livingroom isn�t ideal, since they have to get up pretty early because Noah is awake so early. Tom�s brother, witch I can�t remember the name of right now, isn�t moving out before november. So I guess we won�t see each other before that time.

Linda was busy this weekend. Her aunt is getting married so she has a wedding to attend tomorrow. She was sick too, had a fever and a bad cough, so even if she didn�t have the weeding to attend, she might not have been able to meet me.

Good thing I have the Joe Cocker concert on sunday with Sissel to look forward to. Tomorrow, I got nothing to look forward too. The only I see is a dirty apartment that needs to be fixed. Bleh!
