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What am I thinking of? A real estate agent.

As you probably know, I�m on my way to sell my apartment and buy me a new one. I contacted a real estate agent that is going to help me sell my apartment. He came with a contract that said he would get 1.5 % of the price I get for the apartment.

He also mentioned that I could give him a bonus if I wanted. I could give him % if he sells the apartment for more money than the apartment is valued for. I could tell from the first moment he mentioned it that he was very keen on a bonus.

He came and took pictures of my apartment last tuesday. He said he would mail me the pictures in a few days so I could look at them and approve them. Did he? No! Of course not, since I hadn�t given him any bonus yet. I had to e-mail him on Monday afternoon asking him for the pictures.

He contacted me on tuesday morning with a sorry excuse for not having contacted me back. �Yeah, right� was all I thought when I heard it. Can you guess why he contacted me back? Yep, I wrote the magic words in the mail. I�ll give you 10% bonus if you sell the apartment for more than it�s valued for.

It was just like my sister said. They don�t do shit until they know they get a bonus. She was skeptic when I said I was going to use that real estate agency. She had almost only bad experience with that agency. I told her that the guy I�d been talking to acted nice. �It�s his job to be nice� she replied. That�s oh so true!

Sleazy fuck!

As soon as he knew he got the bonus, he started work they way he should. I�m sure that if I hadn�t given him any bonus, he wouldn�t do his best. That would be his way to say thank you for no bonus.

Now that he�s got the bonus, I�m going to make him work his ass off. I demanded a new picture of the view from my balcony. The one he took wasn�t good enough. It was rainy and grey. First he suggested we should use the picture, but when I talked to him on the phone and said I wanted a new picture taken, he was all for it. He was like �oh � we can�t use that picture, it�s too grey and uninviting�. He only said that because I wanted to take a new picture.


I really hope I won�t regret using that real estate agency. *sigh*
