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Mum woke me up from a dream this morning that I don�t have any memories from. I could hear here from a distance, it was like she was yelling from another world.

�Kjersti. Help. You got to come and help me.�

I could barely open my eyes. My body was heavy as a huge rock. Half of my mind was still in my dream I guess. I laid there and didn�t get up.

�Kjersti � you got to help me. I don�t know what to do.�

I got all worried. What had happened? Couldn�t she get out of bed because of some illness? A lot of thoughts run through my mind in a split second. I dragged myself out of bed and by the time I got to open the door she had informed me that there was a mouse out in the hall that one of the cats had dragged in. The mouse wasn�t dead, but so beaten it couldn�t move.

I got out in the hall, looking at the floor, trying to locate the little creature. I find a small and cute mouse lying on the carpet. It didn�t move itself at all. I took its tail and put it in my hand. The mouse was shaking. I felt sorry for it.

I carried the mouse outside. I only wore a dressing gown, but there were no time to get properly dressed when there were such an emergency. If the mouse was completely dead, I could�ve just tossed it away, but since it was all shaking I knew I had to kill it. I had to beat the life out of the sweet, innocent little mouse.

I went into the garage and grabbed a shovel. I tossed the mouse on the ground. The shovel hit the mouse first one time. It didn�t die. I saw its convulsions. I had to hit it again. And again. And again. I hit it so many times, that I was sure it was dead.

I felt really bad doing it. I�ve never killed a mouse before. That sweet little mouse� It was so cute. I could almost feel a tear in the corner of my eye.

I dough a little grave for the mouse beside the garage. I felt bad just tossing it away.

This morning wasn�t so good.
