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What is it about guys that can't dance anything else than swing? They hear hip hop, rap & techno and they still dance swing. *sigh*

I met a guy (I only know him as Bulle, but that is not his real name) last saturday when I out in a pub. He wanted to dance with me. I said ok. The first dance was swing. The second dance was swing and the thrid dance was swing. And so it goes...

The DJ played Black Eyed Peas' Don't phunk with my heart and Daddy Yankees Gasolina and he wanted to dance swing! You don't dance swing to Black Eyed Peas, you just don't!

After a little while, I tried not to let him have my hands. I waved with them around and around, trying to make some dancemoves. I felt like a mouse trying to escape a playfull and hungry cat. I should of course just have told him how silly it was to just dance swing all the time and that I really wanted to dance freely. But in fear of embarraceing him, I didn't. I could see how he tried to dance freely, by moving his arms, legs and the whole body. I've seen better...

I'm not saying that I'm such a good dancer, I'm not. But there got to be something else than swing all the time...

Someone actually told I did dance good earlier that evening though. Ann Kristin, a friend of a friend of mine, loves to dance freely. She told me and Linda, she admires people and get impressed of people who dance good and dance better than she does. Then she said that she had noticed me last time we were out, that I dance rahter good.

I was like "What? I'm a good dancer?" *laughing* "But I don't have any rhythm in my body. I'm just like my dad".

I'm still kind of amused that someone would think that I'm a good dancer.
