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It�s ok to go away on a holiday when you got your vacation. But it�s perfectly fine to just do nothing too. That�s what I�ve been doing today. I devoted this day to laziness. I�ve almost done nothing at all and I�ve had a perfectly fine day. The only people I�ve talked to is mum, dad, my uncle and some guy at my local bank.

I didn�t shower or washed my hair this morning, even though my hair could use some shampoo; it looks like shit! I was too lazy this morning. I felt a stronger urge to turn on the computer and eat unhealthy food after my feet hit the floor this morning.

And of course; I first turned on the computer and then I made myself breakfast; one hot dog! For desert I ate a lot of dark chocolate. Yummy! To entertain me while I fooled around on the computer I chose music. Anna Ternheim sung with her beautiful voice and pleased my ears and mind with her great songs. When her voice silenced after about 40 minutes, I switched to some more loud tunes. REM and Michael Stipe rocked around in the livingroom, well all around the house actually. And I, I had to sing along.

The hours went by and I had covered a lot of time on the computer. A whole new layout for my diary is the result of today�s time in front of the magical box with endless possibilities. A new poem was even posted at Daisypoems01 for all you guys to read.

Only one constructive thing have I done for myself today. I called my local bank and arranged a meeting tomorrow to discuss a new loan for a new apartment. 12 PM am I going to be there and talk to a guy. Lets hope money will pour down like heavy rain on a autumn day.

To prevent a grumpy mum when she comes home, I found out that I should do a few things around the house before her and dad came home. Even though I got my holiday and don�t have to do a thing, I like to do a few things. You know, I live at home for free; I don�t pay shit for anything while I�m home (like food, they buy whatever I want). It�s nice to do some things in return. The good daughter is rising up and blossom.

The garbage was taken out, dinner preparations were already made when they came home, some of mums flowers and roses were watered and some gardening where done. I did minimal. I could�ve washed the floor, vacuumed, washed the bathroom etc. But on last friday 4 PM, I did some adjustments on my body and mind. Some switches were turned off, some other turned on, there was an altered modus in my body. All these changes resulted in me going into �vacation mode�. I put it on hold so it won�t be altered if I bump into a hoover or a dirty spot.

I can jump around up and down, I can make funny dances, I can sing out loud, I can lay in the grass looking at the sky without worrying about altering my �vacation mode�. How cool isn�t that?

This morning was filled with dreams instead of real life. Tomorrow I will try to change that. Dreams can be nice, funny and al right, but I prefer real life; at least if the sun is shining on you. To assist me in this I�ve hired my cellphone. I will touch it gently before I go to bed and ask if it will be so kind and wake me up at 9 AM. Since I was so nice and recharged its battery earlier today, I�m sure it more than anything else will do me that service and wake me up.

My eyes are closing without me really being involved. They�re giving me hints about how late it is and that they need some rest. They�ve seen enough today.

Before I listen to my eyes and goes to bed, I�m going to give myself some cold milk and a few strawberries. I deserve that. Well it hadn�t mattered if I didn�t had deserved it. I would�ve given myself that anyway. Why? Just because I got vacation and can do whatever I want. I can jump around in my bed up and down until my legs get tired and fall asleep, and make me fall down on the bed. Or, I can stay online until my forehead hits the keyboard and my nose hits a key so it will make a sound; a really loud beeeeeeeeeeep while my chest goes up and down as it does when you�ve fallen asleep.

Anything is possible tonight! Do I sound happy? If so, it�s because I am happy!
