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These past days (friday to monday) has been an emtional roller coster. It hasn't been like this in a really long time. I've felt really crappy, but I'm feeling better now. Still, I'm not completely recovered from this weekends ups and downs.

The reason for this is my Amsterdam trip and my parents reaction. I really don't want to tell you all about it, it means I have to go through it once more. But I can say some.

Mum and dad said they would go to Amsterdam and be there when I was there. They would be my hidden bodyguard, so that if I needed them I could call and they would come. They would come and rescue me. Mum really thought that I would feel safe if they were there and that I would thought it would be nice. They couldn't have been more wrong. I had to tell her straight out that my trip to Holland would be less fun and happy if they were in Holland.

I needed a helping hand. I called my sister and she got mad when she heard what mum and dad had suggested. I was almost crying in the phone when I talked to her. She told me she would call them. And she did. She called dad and told him a few things. I'm not sure what exactly she said, but it helped. I'm not 100 % sure that they're not going to Holland, but most likely they're not.

While this 'I'm going to Amsterdam crasyness' was going on, I had to tell them that I've planned a trip to London too, to see Angel. Mum was calm when I told her. When mum had told dad, he hadn't said a word. Haha. Another shock was on the way.

I'm so glad that Hanne is on my side on this "battle". The only thing she has said to me is that she recons I know how this people I'm seeing really is. And I've told her I know them quite well. It is 'we send each other birthday and christmas gifts-friends'. It was nothing more she needed to know. If only my parents had reacted a bit like Hanne. But you know, my parents are semi-old (soon to be 60 years old) and old-fasion.

Bleh. I don't want to think about the shitty stuff. I only want to think happy thoughts. If there are worries, I will deal with them as they come.
