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I should've updated here a long time ago. I haven't really been up to it this week. Not sure why, but it's just been blah!

It's still blah, but I thought I'd stop by to tell that I'm alive. It's always good to let others know you're ok.

My eyes are sore. I've been working on my webpage lately. Got a new design on it. It's a picture of a really cool VW bus. Go check it out and let me know what you guys think. I'm not nearly done, but it's a start. The photo section is not nearly finished.

The days since I wrote you last time has been good. Friday, there were beer and pizza with some co-workers after work; H�vard, J�rn, Espen, Lars, Ian and me. It was an ok evening. Not very funny, but not boring either. I to a taxi home 7.30 PM. I needed to see the Norwegian Idol. I'm addicted!

I head a great saturday with Bj�rg. We went shopping (I went crazy and spend 1700 NOK on clothes), we ate Mongolian food at Mr.Hong, chatted and drank limonade and latte at a cool caf� and as a last thing we went to see Million Dollar Baby. That movie is the best movie I've seen in a really long time. Wow, it was grand. Hurray hurray to Hillary Swank, Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood.

Sunday was good to. Mum and I, we met for pizza in Lillestr�m before the footballmatch. It was a good match, Lillestr�m beat Lyn 2-1. Right after the match ended, a man on the tribune got a heart attack. Luckily, they got a machine that gets your heart starting agian on the field. He didn't died - thank God. Or should I say machine and people? Yeah I should!

That was my weekend. The three first days this week has gone by pretty fast. Work has been ok. Bente Iren has been a bit grumpy. She hasn't been working much, because of one of her childern was sick. Bente Iren and Fabian has switched on being home and at work. I hate when Bente Iren is grumpy. Often she take it out on us. That's not good at all, not fun either.

I mananged to get to the postoffice before it closed today. Then I got to send Chantie the Alanis Morisette CD's she wanted. I also included something else, a secret. I hope she'll like it. The gift I'm sending Angel is being delaid, because I don't have the equipment I need right now. Got to borrow stuff from Hanne, but won't get it in a week or two.

My MP-3 player is delaid that too. GRRRR! I want it now! The won't send it before the 3rd of May at the earliest. Bah! I hate it. Everything should go as fast as the DVD's I ordered online yesterday morning. I got the confirmation mail later that day saying they would send it the same day. I got the DVD's today. That's service. I bought 'The Million Dollar Hotel' and 'The Client'. Two great movies. They were on sale. I paid 150 NOK for both of them, shipping included.

Now my eyes are really sore and I'm really tired. I need some sleep.
