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It�s back to normal at work. Bente Iren was back today. That resulted in two things: 1) I didn�t chat on MSN as much as I�ve done the past days 2) I worked more effectively.

Not having Bente Iren at work, made me lazy. From thursday to yesterday I feel like didn�t do jack shit. I did a lot of chatting with Chantie. She disturbed me a lot, but I can�t blame her, since I disturbed her equally as much or maybe more. And chatting with Chantie was just fun and it qualifies as �good disturbing�.

To get things back to normal is kind of good. I like it when I got a lot of things to do. Not doing anything or doing little is boring. Constantly checking out the online newspaper isn�t funny. �Has something happened since I was here five minutes ago?�

I had to stop by the postoffice on my way home. I had some letters and an ADSL modem to send. While sitting on the bus to the postoffice, I started to think about the Converse All Star shoes I saw downtown on monday. They were turquoise, not a color I want for a new shoes right now, but the shoe looked great. I played with the idea of going downtown to find those shoes in another color. I decided to give it a try. You know me, I�m not hard to convince when it comes to shoes.

I took the tram downtown and walked to the nearest shoeshop I knew had them. I looked at some red one. They were behind glass, so I could only see them, not touch or try. Stupid! The fact that the shoes were behind glass and that I wasn�t really sure if they were cool or ugly, made me walk out of the store. I went across the street and into a small mall. I knew they would have them there too. I saw them, but the store played music so loud, I would have to scream to the man behind the counter if I needed some help. I just walked by.

The last shoe store in the mall got the shoes too. I tired the red ones one and they looked kind of cool, but somewhat dorky too. I was not sure if I should buy them or not. I bough them. Go see a picture of them here. What do you think? Are they cool or really uncool? Let me know what you all think.

I mentioned that I bought the shoes when I talked to Linda on MSN when I got home. I referred to them as basket shoes � that�s what we called them when I was younger � and she said they would fit my style and that she liked shoes like that. But when I told her that they were exactly like the shoes we got when we were ten, the changed her mind. �Oh no � not those shoes. Then I don�t like them�. We both concluded that it didn�t mean anything if she liked them or not. Later, when I showed her a picture of them, she said they looked cool. I�m not so sure she meant that.

I�ve been wearing the new shoes since I got home. It�s weird and I don�t know how to explain it, but the shoes did something to me. It�s like they�re magic. I felt so good when I wore them and did the dishes. For a split second I imaged myself in a small apartment in New York. I have no idea, but I did. And I began to think about my apartment and that it�s my apartment, it�s nothing I rent. It�s just mine. It felt good standing there in my new shoes and do the dishes. I felt independent. I know this sounds weird, because it is weird, but the shoes made me happy.

Wow, look at me. I�ve written so much about a pair of shoe. Do I love shoes? Do I have a shoe-fetish? Yes and yes. But I�m kind of proud of myself; I�ve only bought three new pair of shoes so far this year. Circa one per month. Have I bored you? Hope not, but I probably have. Oh well, if you've gotten this far, you'll make it to the end of the entry.

As I mentioned, Linda and I talked on MSN today when I came home from work. We chatted for almost an hour, but it seemed like only 15 minutes. The time flied by like a kite in heavily wind. We talked about everything and nothing. We planned a trip to IEAK together. Linda invited me; she needs stuff to her and OJ�s new house. Have I told you they�ve bought a house together? I don�t think so. Well now you know.

While talking about IKEA a thought popped up in my head; I need to buy her an �I-got-a-new-house-gift�. I said to Linda that I would buy her something, by her choice, from IKEA. Oh � speaking of, well actually writing of, I-got-a-new-house-gift, I need to send one to Angel.I�m super super late with it. I need something that I don�t have, to make it. I got to get that thing from my sister. Have to talk in codes so she won�t figure out what I�m talking about.

Bj�rg contacted me on MSN today. She wondered when to come on saturday and when to leave on sunday. We both come to the conclusion that coming on saturday 12.50 PM and leaving sunday at 1 PM would be fine. While we talked we decided to go see �Million Dollar Baby� at the cinema on saturday, after we�d eaten at Mr. Hong; a Chinese and Mongolian restaurant.

I�m going on a football match on sunday at 6 PM in Lillestr�m. LSK is playing against Lyn. Maybe mum will come with me? We can eat pizza at Peppe�s as last time. We�ll see. I got to phone dad and ask about the season tickets. Will we get a season pass as we�ve done before, or do we have to pick up the free tickets when we come to the arena? I�m sure we will get a season pass.

It�s about time to end this. It�s getting late and I�m tired. I�ve been thinking of going to bed early the last days, but have I? No, yesterday I went to bed around 11.30 PM and when will I be in bed today?

Oh � I just have to tell you something. I woke up around 3.30 AM last night. I could not sleep again and I rolled from side to side. The bed creaked a lot. It annoyed me so much that I had to get up, find a screwdriver and adjust the screws so it wouldn�t creak so much. It was dark and I used the light from my cellphone as light. I was damn tired and angry, but it had to be done or else I would�ve been awake until I had to get up. That better not happen once more. If so, I will crash on my sofa in protest.

I got no longer a creaky bed. Than God for that! I can go to bed without being �afraid� of bad noises.

I think I will sleep in my new shoes today. :-) And when I take a shower in the morning tomorrow, I will probably still wear them.
