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Yesterday was grand. I had a lovely time with Gro. I met her 5.30 PM outside Oslo City. We stood there for a little while, waiting for Nicolay, her boyfriend, to come. She had to deliver him some things. We talked for a little while before we split. Nicolay went home and we went inside the mall, to grab something to eat before the concert.

We ended up at a Chinese restaurant, the same we visited last time we were out eating together. We ordered the thing as last time too. I ate Beef Chop Suey. The portion was too small, but it tasted good. I even ate some mushroom. Go me! We talked a lot during restaurant visit. There were a lot to talk about.

After we finished eating we tried to find a decent place to drink some wine before the concert. We ended up at Caf� Fiasco, which � thank god � didn�t turn out to be a fiasco. I was not far from Spektrum were Alanis would perform. They played Alanis songs; we ordered wine, sat down and talked. I was afraid I�d get some dry and ugly white win, but it turned out to be a very good wine. The second glass, totally different wine, was great too.

After finishing the two glasses, having talked a lot about film and being overlooked by a so-called friend of Gro, we went and walked into Spektrum. We ended up buying a glass of wine there too. Well, I bought wine, Gro bought beer. The wine was way too expensive to drink more than a glass. For a small glass at Caf� Fiasco we paid 44 NOK, here we had to pay 60 NOK for a glass. And I�m sure we got less wine too.

I have no idea who the special guest was that played before Alanis entered the scene, but they were ok. We only heard a few songs since we came after they�d started singing. Spektrum wasn�t full; the newspapers reported today that around 4000 people had come to see her. Most of them were girls, not a surprise. The only guys that were there, I guess were dragged down to the concert, maybe unwillingly, by they�re girlfriends. I saw one gay couple there though. I guess they were one of a few male people who came by free will. Hehe.

With black leather pants, black top, leather gloves, dark hair and her voice, she looked cool. She played all the good old songs like Uninvited, Hand in My Pocket, You Oughta Know and Hands Clean. She ended the concert with Everything (from So-called Chaos), Ironic and her most beautiful song Thank U. I almost got tears in my eyes when she started that song.

On Hand in My Pocket she pulled out the mouth organ. That was a killer. I love mouth organs. It reminds me of Springsteen and especially The River! Thank U is her best song and that she ended with that song was great. I sang the whole time, it was the only song I could all the lyrics.

Nicolay came and picked us up and drove me home. How sweet of him. I took a few pictures of Alanis with my �minus-ten-pixels-at-least-cellphone-camera�. I got one as a background on my cellphone. Moby is no longer their. I might put him back on when I get tired of Alanis.

All the national newspapers gave her four dots on the dice out of six possible. I agree with that. Well I would maybe have given her four and a half, close to five. I�m glad they didn�t think she sucked. I very often get pissed when they write badly about concerts I like.

Right now I�m listening to Supposed Former Infatuations Junkie. I�ve forgot how great this album is. But that�s not a surprise, I forget a lot. Like when Gro and I talked on the phone yesterday morning. We talked about Alanis� CD�s and she mentioned that she hadn�t the latest CD. She didn�t even know it had been released. I found it online as we spoke and I told her I hadn�t heard it either. But after we hung up and I looked closely on it I recognized some songs. I actually got it after all.

This is so me. I just started to laugh when I found out. I texted Gro and told her. I just had to. She texted me back telling me I got too many CD�s. That�s true. I need to re-discover my CD�s. I bought them for a reason - well most of them at least � and they�re good. If I listen to one CD a day, I will use over 6 month. Ouch! We�ll see what mood I�m in when I�m finished with my Alanis-period. I think I�ll dig out my Nelly Futardo CD; her first album Whoa, Nelly (or something like that).

I come across a diary today, BonyPony . He had a lot of CD�s. I saw a list of all his CD�s and some pictures. He got way more CD�s than I got. I thought of comment it, say something about it, but after I saw what he had written as the title (one the blue line on top to the left in explorer) of the diary, I changed my mind. He had written this: The Potato Head People: Bono, Conan O�Brien, Ashley Simpson�

What the fuck? When did Bono become a Potato Head? I�m shocked. Ok, ok, you�re entitled to have your own opinion, but saying that? I would love to hear how he defends such a comment, why he thinks he�s a potato head. I thought of leave him a note, asking him about it, but I decided to just ignore it. Such stupid things should be silenced to death. Yeah, that�s right. Silenced to death!

Bono is great. What he does for the world is grand. He contributed on the Band Aid 20 project, he raise important questions, tries to help people in Africa with AIDS etc etc. Now he�s started to make clothes. Not to sell himself, to make him more popular, but to make clothes that are made the right way. No children involved, the one who makes them get properly paid etc ect. Organic and ethic is words that describes the clothing collection. See article here from Salt Lake Tribune .They�re going to label the clothes EDUN. You don�t call a man like that a Potato Head.

I�m bugged? No � why do you think that? Heh. Well ok � I�m! But when somebody calls Bono � that I respect highly � a Potato Head, I get angry. I think I got to end this, before I change my mind and leave the guy a note saying he is the Potato Head.
