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I'm in Elverum. Bj�rg and Tom, they've gone to bed. I said I would too. No one knows I'm using their computer. I almost feel like a theif or something. Like I do something criminal... hehe

I haven't typed here all Easter and that's bad. When I was home at my parents house, I didn't have time to write here. And their internet connection is super slow (64 kbit). It sucks and it's no fun to be online then.

I'm really tired and shoul've gone straight to bed, but I just had to check when the bus are leaving for Oslo tomorrow. There is a bus that goes about 1 AM. I'm leaving with that bus. Then I'll be home around 3.30 PM. I'll got enough time to do some tidying and cleaning before mum comes around 6.30 PM. Well, I guess I didn't tell you that mum and dad didn't go to Spain. Or did it? Well they didn't. LSK had to plan something else, and they left for Denmark and Copenhagen yesterday, going to be there until thursday. Mum didn't want to join them, if was enough with for her. So mum is coming tomorrow and staying until tuesday. She's going shopping tuesday and we'll met after work and then she'll go home again.

I got to tell you about Easter, but I'm too tired to do it now. I have a lot to tell, nothing very exiting though, so it have to wait. Maybe I'll have time tomorrow. We'll see.

I guess I will wake up early tomorrow as I did today. They're all up early since Noah, their kid, is awake around 7 AM at the latest. Screaming and laughter will wake me up. That's how life is, when you got small kids in the house. I'm glad I don't have kids myself and that this is only for a weekend. I'm not ready for such a commitment like kids, that's for sure. I always get that thought when I've been here. Heh. Constantly being on alert, on the watch. You can't just put a kid in its room, close the door and lay on the sofa and watch TV. The kid needs atention and supervision all the time, at least when it's 1 1/2 half years old.

I'm glad I'm going home tomorrow. It's not that I don't like it here, but it's ok to be away from kids for a little while ;-) They're very sweet and beautiful, but tiring too.

It's good to be back here, I've been away for too long. Almost a week... ;-)

Nighty night!.
