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Did I tell you that Sissel ordered some REM CD�s for me on for me a while ago? They came last week, but we couldn�t find a day were I could pick them up. When Sissel had time I was busy and visa versa. I told Sissel I could pick them up after she�d come home from New York.

It was a big surprise when I got the CD�s on monday. She�d sent the CD�s where I work. Fabian came with the package some time after 12 AM. I got so happy. It was so sweet of her. I texted her and told her how happy I was.

Sissel called after I came home from work on monday. I thought she had gone to New York already, but that was wrong. She left yesterday. Sissel had to call me and tell that they�re moving. I knew that they have planed to move, but not so fast. They are going to build a new house in Lier, a 2 hours drive away from Oslo, but it takes a while to get things ready to start build that house. It�s a lot of things that needs to be sorted out first. So before they can start, they wanted to move into a house first, since they need more space than they already have now.

It�s sad that Sissel moves even further away than she already is. I don�t see her much as for now. How will it be when she moves? I liked it best when she was only a 20 minutes walk or 5 minutes by the tram away. That was sweet.

I don�t have many friends left in Oslo. All disappear, moves other places. I feel left alone and I hate that. I wish I had a few more friends located in Oslo. I wish I had a concert and movie friend that would join me to a concert or movie once in a while. That would be sweet.

How do you make new friends? Can anybody tell me that? I don�t know where to start and how to do it. I could search online (like, start there. But then again, it would feel strange. I would feel almost embarrassed. Telling people, my friends and family that I been searching online for a new friend. How would they react? What would they say? Should I care about it? No, but still I do. It�s the same old pattern. I care too much about what other people think. I�ve been better to ignore it, but I�m not perfect yet. I�ll never be.

I had no plans for this weekend and thought of going home to my parents, but I'm not. Gro invited me to a girls evening on saturday. I texted her back letting her know I would love to come. I'll bring wine, new music and a good portion of good mood. I'm not sure who's coming, but it doesn't matter. I'm sure we will have fun no matter witch one is coming.

It's quite funny, because I thougth about Gro today. It's been ages since we've seen each other and I had planed to call her or email her and ask if we could meet up for dinner or something. Now I don't have to, I can ask her on saturday.

I know I will be exhausted after I finsish working tomorrow, so I haven't made any plans for tomorrow. I'll just stay home and rest. Eat some good food, watch TV (Norwegian IDOL for instance), listen to music and be online. A perfect friday. If mum is coming to Oslo on saturday, I think will meet her. When I talked to her earlier today, she asked me what I was going to do this weekend. She was hinting about us meeting sometime this weekend. I told her I didn't know what I was doing, but I would let her know later. Maybe I'll call her later today.
