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Sometimes Fabian can be so stupid. AAAHHHWWW! I originally had a meeting at the minor courthouse because of a customer that hadn�t paid his invoice. The customer claimed that he had terminated the agreement on a domain. We couldn�t find any written termination. Fabian told me we hadn�t received it.

Right before I should go from work yesterday I looked over the case and I found it. I told Fabian and asked if we should go to the meeting at the court house. He said yes. He said we should go on and pretend we�ve never seen the written termination of the agreement. I said I didn�t want to and asked if we could just not show up. He said no and that we had to go even though he knew we had a lost case and he said the whole thing was very fishy.

Then he left� and was left wondering what to do. I really didn�t want to go to the meeting. I came up with a clever idea; I called Bente Iren. I told her what had happened and most of what Fabian had said and then asked her what to do? She immediately asked me if Fabian knew I was calling her. I told her I hadn�t informed him about it. She wanted to talk to Fabian but I told her he had left. Bente Iren said she would talk to him when he came home. I said ok and told her I shouldn�t be at the meeting before 9 AM so I could talk to them in the morning.

When I came to work today Bente Iren had mailed me. She wrote that Fabian only had been kidding when he told me I should go. Hah � bullshit. I don�t believe that for a second. Neither did G�ril when I told her about. She had also heard what Fabian said and how he said it, and it was no joking there. I�m sure that Fabian chickened out when Bente Iren talked to him.

When Fabian and Bente Iren came on work today, Fabian acted a little bit strange. I�m not sure, but I think� it was like he didn�t want to talk to me. I�m not sure if I observed it right though, but I think I did. I told G�ril and she started to laugh.

I don�t care if he didn�t like what I did or if he was pissed at me. I did what I felt had to do. Maybe he thinks that I undermine his authority. I guess he didn�t like that went �behind his back� and called Bente Iren.

To be honest, I�m not sure that Bente Iren liked that I called her without inform Fabian first. I kind of felt that when I called her. She got this strange tone on her voice when she asked to talk to Fabian. Well, if she has some problems with it, then she ought to talk to me about it.

You know what? I laid awake from 5.30 AM until it was time to get up this morning because of this shit. I wasn�t sure what they would tell me. I got a stomach ache and I couldn�t eat any breakfast. I ate one tenth of a banana. That�s not much.

On to something completely else. I met Hanne today. I talked to her on MSN while I was working. She�d got two presents for me from Argentina. Woohoo. I asked if she was going to be home after work. She was going to the gym right after work, but would be home around 5 PM. I went to her house right after work, it�s only a five minutes walk from my work. I locked myself in (I got a key) and waited there until she came. I sat in the sofa, cuddled with Balder (her cat), had the TV on and read a newspaper.

While I waited for Hanne, dad came by. He was going to help Hanne with her car. It was nice to see him, I haven�t seen him in a while. Hanne gave me a beautiful pink shawl and lilac and white jewel. It was great. I loved both of the presents. It was actually better than a purse that I originally hoped for. I have a lot of purses, maybe too many. I think I got at least 15. I�ve borrowed a blue and black ring Hanne bought in Argentina. I love it. It�s quite big, but great.

Sissel and I met yesterday. We had fun. We went to a eating place called The Beat Bar. We used to hang out there a lot several years ago. Then it was called Kilkenny Inn and was totally different than what it is to day. It�s something totally new. It was an ok place; not grand, but not bad either. After we�d been there for quite a while we went shoe shopping. Well, we didn�t actually buy any shoes, but we looked for some ankle boots for Sissel. We found some, that she might buy. I�m not sure yet.

I�m not sure what I�m doing this weekend. I hope I can go to IKEA at Slependen some time on saturday. If Linda is coming I have to schedule the trip to IKEA some other time. Maybe the weekend after this weekend. I haven�t talked to Linda, so I don�t think she will come. I can�t quite remember what she said when we talked at MSN. Maybe I�ll go home to my parents house on Saturday. We�ll see.

After so much reading, I think I deserve a chocolate. :-p
